2020 Call for Abstracts by Global Youth Network Platform for Education and Empowerment in Partnership (GYPEE) with the Integrated Health Organization (IHO)

1. Presentation
The Global Youth Network Platform for Education and Empowerment (GYPEE) in partnership with the Integrated Health Organization (IHO) is pleased to announce that they are now accepting abstracts for their inter-African Virtual Conference scheduled for December 12th, 2020 on the theme: Africa’s Journey Towards Achieving Universal Health Coverage. IHO is a non-governmental organization which has as vision is to be one of the world’s leading health organization aimed at educating individuals and reducing the burden of ignorance in health and health related fields. They also have as mission to inspire hope and contribute to the health and wellbeing of individuals by providing excellent educational programs aimed at addressing the multifaceted health needs of individuals, communities and the population at large. GPYEE was conceived in the Month of March 2020 within the trying moments of the COVID-19 Pandemic. It seeks to galvanize youths and young leaders across the globe in sharing their perspectives about global issues from health, environment etc. Also, it seeks to educate, Empower young people through a series of webinars. More importantly, it has a
mission to push forward positive transformation and critical thinking and find solutions to
problems across our community.
GYPEE and IHO seek contributions that illustrate the different ways in which African countries can work towards achieving access to the health services for all Africans, when and where they need them, without financial hardship, including the full range of essential health services, from health promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care.

GYPEE and IHO encourage professionals in the following categories across the African continent especially those in the health sector to submit abstracts on a topic of their choice relating to the session theme:
• NGO owners (including members) especially those in the health sector
• Government officials
• Members of the African Union
• Country influencers, preferably youths between 18-30 years
• IT specialists
• Junior parliamentarians
• Policy makers
• Entrepreneurs
Our approach as NGOs is to look at these topics from a broad African perspective. Professionals who submit papers on local or national initiatives should indicate how their conclusions or lessons learned could be applied elsewhere.
2. Important dates
Professionals should submit their abstracts for evaluation before the deadline October 25th, 2020. When an abstract is accepted, the full paper should be submitted online before November 6th, 2020 and must be an original submission not presented or published elsewhere (except by the author themselves). In addition to the abstract and paper submission, professionals will be able to submit their presentations. This is strongly recommended in order to provide more visibility to your paper. The deadline for submitting virtual presentations is November 22nd, 2020.
3. Virtual presentation files
Authors can submit any of the following formats:
• Video (mp4) A video with the author presenting the main ideas of the paper should be
recorded. The recommended length for video presentations is 15 minutes.
• Presentations slides; Authors can submit a PowerPoint or pdf file with the presentation material and slides. There is not a specific template for presentations and participants can adopt the one of their preference. The recommended number of slides is 10-15. Also, if the author decides to include sound files in the presentation, they should be
embedded into the presentation file.

• Poster (pdf); Posters should include a good combination of words, pictures, and graphics. They should include the results and conclusions of the papers, but authors are suggested to avoid including too much text in it.
• The submission of a virtual presentation is recommended to provide more visibility to your paper.
• However, in exceptional cases, an author may decide not to submit his/her presentation due to professional (copyright, private contents, etc.) or personal reasons.
• Papers should be no more than 2500 words, single spaced in Times New Roman 12 point.
• Papers should be in English or French with an abstract, and the presenter (who need not be the author) must be fluent in English.
• 15 minutes will be allowed for a summary delivery of the paper in the conference; the full written paper is not to be read.
• The author(s) should indicate his/her personal full contact details and include a brief biographical note with the paper.
• Abbreviated abstracts or late submissions will not be considered
4. Selection
Full abstracts (500 words) should be prepared following the template provided below. Each abstract will be blind reviewed by members of the GYPEE and IHO.
Theme How does it relate to the theme?
Purpose of this paper
What is the reason(s) for writing the paper (or the aims of the research)?
How are the objectives achieved? Include the main method(s) used for the study. What is the approach to the topic, and what is the theoretical or subject scope of the paper?
What was found in the course of the work? This will refer to analysis, discussion, or results.
Research limitations/implications (if applicable)
If research is reported on in the paper, this section must be completed and should include suggestions for future research and any identified limitations in the research

Practical implications (if applicable)
What outcomes and implications for practice, applications and consequences are identified? All papers should have practical applications. What changes to practice might be made as a result of this research/paper?
What is the original/value of paper What is new in the paper? State the value of the paper and to whom.
5. Schedule
Considering the large amount of countries who will be participating in the virtual conference, the presentations will be asynchronous, allowing each participant to have access to all virtual presentations during and after the event, without incurring any limitations linked to time zone differences. Therefore, there will not be an assigned date-time for presentation, as virtual presentations will not be simultaneous.
6. Anti-Plagiarism Statement
GYPEE and IHO invites the presentation of new and original material. GYPEE and IHO takes plagiarism very seriously. Therefore, if an abstract, after careful review, examination and consideration, is rejected on the basis of plagiarism, ALL authors of the abstract will be denied the opportunity for further abstract submissions for the following three years.
7. Publication
The accepted papers will be published on IHO’s website as submitted. Badly written papers not only reflect poorly on the professional, but also on the organization. Many more people read the accepted papers than those attending the presentation. Therefore, GYPEE and IHO will only consider properly written and informative papers submitted in line with the template instructions.
Please send your abstract latest by 25th October 2020 to
Email; inspiringbetterhealth@gmail.com copying gypee2020@gmail.com
For any further inquiries, please contact;
C.E.O. in charge of Administration @ IHO Cynthia Adanze Nge (ngecynthia22@gmail.com)