2020 Seedstars Growth Programme for Entrepreneurs

We help startups with Product-Market Fit achieve scale

Applications open for June 2020 Batch


Growth Program

The Growth Program is a Virtual Three Month Post-Acceleration program focused on Growth.

The program is designed to help startups build a Growth Team and implement a Growth Methodology in order to support scaling up the venture and raise Series A and beyond.

We have mastered the technique of organising an entire acceleration program virtually. So, rather than taking you out of your market, we bring the expertise to you so that you may remain close to your customers and your team.

1. Application & Screening

Applications are open until June 14, 2020, where startups that fit the criteria can submit their application.

2. Selection

The acceleration program team will conduct online and face-to-face interviews with the pre-selected startups before the final selection will be announced by end of June, 2020.

3. Kick-off Webinars

The Program kicks off with an intensive week of webinars with the main goal to define clear OKRs, setting up tools and building the foundation for growth.

4. Growth Program

The program runs for 12 weeks through a series of 12 modules focused on Growth and Series A fundraising through weekly 1:1 mentoring sessions and webinars with subject experts

5. Post Growth Program

After the end of the Growth Program, the team will evaluate your performance in order to decide on follow-on investments and additional support to help your startup grow.

Investment Deal


Initial investment

$30,000 cash + $20,000 program fee

up to $100,000 In-kind services & perks

Services provided by Microsoft, Intel, Hubspot, Rebump, Segment, Evernote, Xero, UpWork etc.

Up to $500,000 Follow-On Investment

Consideration for a follow on investment from Seedstars and its global investor network.

Program Criteria

Achieved Product-Market Fit

  • Post-Revenue
  • Verified Business Model
  • Profitable Unit Economics
  • Ready to invest in Growth
Operating in a High-Impact sector
  • Financial Services
  • Health
  • Agriculture
  • Education
  • Government
  • Energy
  • Real Estate
  • Retail