2021 GovLab Programme for Organizations that Develop Innovative and Practical Solutions to Enhance Good Governance and Public Service Delivery.


GovLab is a 12-week program designed to identify, select, and support organizations that develop innovative and practical solutions to enhance good governance and public service delivery.


This program is designed to enhance citizen engagement, government accountability, and transparency by finding solutions that foster wide-scale access to public services. These innovations would primarily address pain points that militate against effective implementation and enforcement of human rights and rule of law by government officials and its representatives at the local, state, and national levels. Selected participants will then engage stakeholders to get a deeper understanding of the issues and be supported through a mentorship program to develop solutions that meet the objectives of the program.


Get up to $2,500 worth of equity-free funding

Get discounts and free offers from our partners

Get access to a pool of mentors and business experts

Access to a network of partners

Key areas of interest for your solution

Applications should focus on the following areas

Low Level of Citizen Participation; Solutions that drive citizens’ participation in the process of governance to demand accountability and transparency

Corruption in Procurement; Solutions that track procurement processes, mitigates foreign bribery and simplifies the Nigerian budget and public data.

Low Level of Institutional Cooperation; Solutions that drive cooperation of all government bodies starting from the lower levels

High Cost of Political CampaignsSolutions that regulate spendings on political campaigns

Poor Remuneration of Civil Service PersonnelPolicies and initiatives that drive for better remuneration

Low access to funding for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs); Solutions that encourage crowdsourcing for CSOs


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