2023 Fully Funded Young Global Changers Recoupling Awards in Germany.

NGENGE-POSTGRAD SOLUTIONS IS HERE TO HELP YOU: NPGS has an Application Help Service with a  team of highly experienced professionals to help you find a position or prepare a CV or Cover Letter. Our professional experts can also apply for you from A to Z.

Application Deadline: January 26, 2023.

Over the last several decades, we have been witnessing significant economic growth in many parts of the world. At the same time, we are seeing a rise in inequality, an exacerbating climate crisis and a rising sense of disempowerment. This trend can be described as the decoupling of economic prosperity from social prosperity and environmental sustainability. The Global Solutions Initiative aims to address this trend by generating proposals to better align economic and political activities with environmental sustainability and social prosperity. With the Young Global Changers Recoupling Awards we want to recognize and reward youth-led projects and initiatives from around the world which embody this recoupling-approach.

Recoupling-projects must be guided by a people-centric approach, that puts the needs and voices of their stakeholders, customers and communities at the center. The jury will be looking for particularly novel, unique and original approaches or projects that address specific issues which have previously been neglected. Projects must be beyond the idea phase and can include social businesses as well as nonprofit activities.

Who are the Young Global Changers? 

The Young Global Changers (YGC) are individuals with innovative ideas on how to make this world a better place. They must have developed a project or an initiative to turn these ideas into action.

The Young Global Changers program brings together these young people from around the world who are working towards a global paradigm shift, combining their talents and together becoming a strong voice for change.

Since 2017, the Young Global Changers program has attracted over 410 students and young professionals from more than 120 different countries to participate in the Global Solutions Summit and to attend the Global Solutions Summer School.

  1. Young entrepreneurs or innovators who have started or are involved in a leading role in a social enterprise that aims at aligning economic activity with environmental sustainability and social prosperity.
  2. Young business leaders aiming at changing “business as usual” from the inside (“intrapreneurs”).
  3. Young non-profit actors, community organizers, advocacy leaders, campaigners, or implementers of social, economic, or environmental change on a local, regional or even on the global level.
  • The project, business or initiative that you apply with needs to aim at recoupling, i.e. a better alignment of economic or political activities with social well-being and environmental sustainability.
  • The applicant should have a leading position in the project/initiative they are applying with. (e.g. founder, co-founder, project-lead, initiator or a similar role.)
  • The applicant needs to be between the ages of 18 and 35.
  • Applicants need to be willing and motivated to become active members of a global network which aims at bringing about lasting global change.

Are you part of such a project or initiative? Are you heading an innovative social start-up? Are you trying to change your organization from the inside? Are you supporting people in need? Are you pushing or advocating for change? Tell us about it and apply now!


We are offering a full scholarship* for the finalists of the Young Global Changers Recoupling Awards 2023 to come to Berlin and attend the 2023 Global Solutions Summit.
The scholarship includes the following:
  • Travel expenses to and from Berlin**
  • Accommodation for the time of the Global Solutions Summit (four nights, May 13-17, 2023)***
  • Free admission to the Global Solutions Summit 2023
  • Networking opportunities with great minds from academia, business, politics & civil society
  • Access to an exclusive global network of like-minded Young Global Changers
  • Possibilities for further engagement

Visit the official website for details and application