2021/2022 Global Health Corps Paid Fellowship Roles for Young African Professionals

Your full application will be visible to both the GHC reviewers and the placement organization(s) to which you apply. All responses must be written in English.

Your application must be submitted by 12:00PM (noon) EST / 7:00PM CAT / 8:00 PM EST on January 13, 2021.

You should be prepared to verify upon request that all information you provide in your application is true and  your original work.

Personal Information

  • First Name / Given Name
  • Last Name / Surname
  • Preferred Name
  • Email Address (GHC will send all communications during the application process and fellowship year to this address, so please use a permanent email address that you will monitor regularly and have access to through at least July 2021 – i.e., not a school or work email)
  • Phone Number (including country code)
  • Skype Name
  • Birth Year (note: you must be age 30 years or younger by the start of the fellowship in order to be eligible)
  • Birth Month
  • Birth Day
  • Current Location:
    • Country
    • State (if based in the U.S.)
    • City
  • Please select the country(-ies) in which you are a citizen or legal permanent resident (note: you must be a citizen or legal permanent resident of Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, the United States, or Zambia in order to be eligible for the 2021-2022 fellowship)
    • Malawi
    • Rwanda
    • Uganda
    • United States
    • Zambia
  • [Document Upload] – Please upload a copy of your passport verifying your citizenship.
    If you are a citizen of more than one country or are a legal permanent resident, please combine each passport copy or legal permanent residency document into one document to upload. If you do not have a passport, please upload another document that proves your citizenship (for example, a birth certificate or national identity card). Please make sure your document is not expired.

Demographic Information

GHC is committed to having an inclusive community of fellows and alumni. Please answer the questions below to help us better understand the diversity and motivations of our applicant pool overall. The information gathered will be used purely for statistical analysis of the Global Health Corps applicant pool. It will bear no weight on your application and will not be sent to GHC reviewers, placement organizations, or any other outside institutions, governments, or stakeholders.


Please select the category below that applies to you:

  • Female
  • Male
  • Other – optional: please specify
  • Prefer not to respond

Global Health Corps is committed to having a diverse community of fellows and alumni. Please select the category(-ies) below applies(-y) to you. Check all that apply

  • American Indian / Alaskan Native
  • Asian
  • Black
  • Hispanic / Latinx
  • Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander
  • White
  • Multi-racial/Multi-ethnic
  • Other race or origin – optional: please specify
  • Prefer not to respond
Geographic Region

How would you describe the area in which you currently live?

  • Rural / countryside
  • Peri-urban / suburban
  • Urban / city
  • Prefer not to respond
Global Health Experience

Global Health Corps is looking for fellows from all backgrounds, including a mix of individuals who have worked in or studied global health before and those who are new to the field. Global Health Corps defines global health as any area of study, research, or practice that places a priority on improving health and/or achieving health equity.

Have you ever worked in global health? Select only one

  • Yes, more than 3 years
  • Yes, 1-3 years
  • Yes, less than 1 year
  • No, I have never held a job or internship in global health

Have you ever studied global health? Select only one

  • Yes, it was my major/minor/focus area
  • Yes, I took at least one global health class
  • No, I have never studied global health
Applying to GHC

Global Health Corps’ mission is to build the next generation of leaders for health equity, and a key part of that mission is the ability to reach as many people as possible. We evolve our recruiting and outreach efforts based on the information that you provide here.

Were you in contact with a member of the GHC community (fellow, alumni, staff, intern) before or during your decision to apply for the GHC fellowship? Select only one

  • Yes – please specify the name of the GHC community member you were in contact with.
  • No

Have you previously applied to GHC? Your answer will NOT affect your candidacy; many of our current fellows applied in previous years before being selected.

  • Yes – please specify for which fellowship class(es)
  • No


  • Select language(s) you know: Check up to 3 
    • Bemba
    • Chichewa
    • Chiyao
    • English
    • French
    • German
    • Kinyarwanda
    • Luganda
    • Nyanja
    • Spanish
    • Swahili
    • Tumbuka
    • Other
  • For each language, select your proficiency level:
    • Basic proficiency – Able to satisfy routine survival needs and minimum courtesy requirements
    • Limited working proficiency – Can handle confidently, but not easily, most social situations and casual conversations, but would need help handling complications or difficulties
    • Professional working proficiency – Able to participate effectively in formal and informal conversations on practical, social, and professional topics
    • Advanced/Full professional proficiency – Able to use the language fluently and accurately for all professional needs. Can understand and participate in conversations with fluency and precision of vocabulary
    • Fluent/Native speaker


  • Select the educational degree type(s) you will have attained by the start of the fellowship
    • Bachelor’s/Undergraduate Degree (required)
    • Master’s Degree/Graduate Degree
    • Additional Degree
  • For each degree, specify:
    • School Name
    • Graduation Year
    • Degree Type
    • Focus of Study or Major
  • [Document Upload] Please upload proof of Bachelor’s degree.
    This can be any document from an accredited undergraduate or graduate university that states your name, graduation date, and degree completed or expected by the start of the fellowship. Acceptable documents can include: a scan of your completed degree, a letter from your university, academic transcript (as long as it states your name, graduation date, and date degree completed or expected).


Please list your three most relevant professional positions below. Note: This can include internship or volunteer experience. If you do not have any professional experience, list your school or university name in the “Organization / Company” field and list “Student” as your job title.

For each position, specify:

  • Is this your current position?
  • Start Date
  • Organization / Company Name
  • Job Title
  • Sector of work:
    • Private or for-profit company
    • Government or public organization
    • Non-profit or non-governmental organization
    • Research or academic institution
    • Other – please specify
  • Brief Description of your Responsibilities (100 words max)
    Please think about why this position is relevant to the fellowship and provide any information that may be helpful in our evaluation.
  • [Document Upload] Please upload your CV or resume here (2 pages max)

Please check the box below to confirm you understand that the GHC fellowship is a full-time, 13-month commitment. All prior academic/professional commitments that would interfere with the workday must be completed by the start of the fellowship.

  • Yes, I confirm my availability

Personal Essays

Please write a brief essay in response to each of the following questions. We read your essays to get to know you as a person and to learn about the ideas and interests that motivate you. We want to hear your genuine voice throughout the essays; this is the time to think carefully about the values, passions, and experiences that have shaped you as an individual and why you would be a good fit in the Global Health Corps community. (Note: these essays will be visible to the placement organization(s) to which you apply).

  1. Why do you want to be a GHC fellow? (200 words max)
  2. Think of a time when you did not reach a project or assignment goal in a job, internship, or volunteering role. What was the goal, why did you fail to achieve it, and what did you learn from that experience? (300 words max)
  3. Describe a time when you identified a social problem and took action to make a change. What did you do, and what did you learn? (250 words max)
  4. Describe a time when you experienced, witnessed, or learned about an injustice related to a factor like race, culture, nationality, socioeconomic status, gender, or sexual orientation. Please give an example of how this has impacted your actions. (350 words max)

Role Selection and Essays

You may apply for up to three fellowship roles but must apply for at least one.  Descriptions of each open role can be found here.  Please review the role descriptions to ensure you meet the desired experience, qualifications, and eligibility for the roles(s) you select.

You will be evaluated for each role you select independently of your other role selections. Each essay will be reviewed by both the GHC team and the placement organization. As such, each essay should be tailored specifically to the role to which you are applying, like a cover letter; do NOT copy and paste an identical essay for each role.

Make sure to select the correct roles(s) based on the role codes noted on the website.

For each role, write a short essay (200 words max) that explains why you are applying for this particular role and what skills or experiences qualify you for it.

Skills & Experiences Survey

If you do not advance in the roles(s) you selected above, GHC may consider you for other roles if an opportunity arises that matches your qualifications. If you would like to opt out of this opportunity, please select “No” below. You will be able to review any new position to confirm your interest.

  • Yes, consider me if other opportunities arise
  • No, I am ONLY interested in the position(s) I selected above

If yes, remember to complete the Skills & Experiences Survey.

Recommendation Form

As part of your application, you are required to have one reference complete a GHC Recommendation Form on your behalf. Please submit the name and email address of a current or former supervisor who will act as your reference. If you have never had a supervisor for any paid or volunteer work, you may choose a professor who can speak to your work.

To add a reference, please complete the Reference Information section of the online application.

You are responsible for making sure your reference submits the Recommendation Form by the recommendation form deadline. Applications without a Recommendation Form will not be considered.

Submitting your Application

Click “Save Draft” to save your application as a draft and return to it later. Click “Submit” if you have completed your application. You cannot edit your application once it has been submitted.

By clicking submit, you verify that all information provided in this application is accurate and is your original work. Any misinformation or plagiarism will result in the disqualification of your application. You will receive a confirmation message on this screen and a confirmation email once your application has been submitted.