2021 University of Auckland Business Masters Scholarship in New Zealand

A Scholarship to support citizens and permanent residents of New Zealand and Australia commencing a Business Masters programme at the University of Auckland Business School.

About the scholarship

Applicable study: Master of Management, Master of International Business, Master of Marketing, Master of Professional Accounting or Master of Human Resource Management
Opening date: 20 January (April intake) and 20 May (September intake)
Closing date: 3 March (April intake) and 1 July (September intake)
Tenure: Duration of programme
For: Tuition fees assistance
Number on offer: Varies
Offer rate: Biannually
Value: Up to $16,000

The Scholarship was established in 2013 and is funded by the University of Auckland Business School.

The main purpose of the Scholarship is to support students to gain the skills and knowledge required to launch a business career by completing a Master of Management, Master of International Business, Master of Marketing, Master of Professional Accounting or Master of Human Resource Management degree at the University of Auckland Business School.


  1. The Scholarship will be known as the University of Auckland Business Masters Scholarship.
  2. One or more Scholarships per intake will be awarded for a period of up to one year, and each will be of the value of

    up to $16,000 paid as a contribution towards compulsory tuition fees (see Note I).

  3. To take up and be paid the Scholarship the recipient must be enrolled and have paid the fees, or arranged to pay the

    fees, for full-time study in a Master of Management, Master of International Business, Master of Marketing, Master of Professional Accounting or Master of Human Resource Management degree at the University of Auckland Business School. The Scholarship is only available to new students commencing their study in one of the Business Masters programmes.

  4. The Scholarship is tenable by citizens or permanent residents of New Zealand or Australia.
  5. The basis of selection will be academic merit as assessed by the grade point average (GPA) or grade point equivalent (GPE) calculated over the most recent qualifying programme and a written statement highlighting the applicant’s potential to succeed in business studies at the University of Auckland, career goals, motivation and how they can be an ambassador for the University of Auckland Business School. The successful candidate will have a minimum GPA/GPE of 6.00 (5.50 for Māori and Pacific candidates) (see Notes V and VI).
  1. The Scholarship will be awarded by the University of Auckland Council on the recommendation of a Selection Committee comprising the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics (or nominee), the Director of the Graduate School of Management (or nominee), and the Director of Masters Programmes of the Graduate School of Management (or nominee).
  2. To continue to hold the Scholarship, the recipient must maintain a GPA of 5.00 (equivalent to a B average) in each quarter of study.
  3. The Scholarship will be paid as a tuition/compulsory fees credit for the duration of the programme in instalments at the start of each quarter of study (see Notes I to III).
  4. The Scholarship may be held concurrently with any other scholarship, award or grant as long as the regulations for that scholarship, award or grant permit and the University of Auckland Council is informed and approves. It is the responsibility of the recipient to declare to the Scholarships Office all other scholarships, awards and grant funding received and for which the awardee receives payment while also in payment for this Scholarship. Preference may be given to students not receiving other financial assistance.
  5. The University of Auckland Council has the power to terminate or suspend a Scholarship if it receives a report of unsatisfactory progress of a Scholar from the Director of Masters Programmes of the Graduate School of Management, or if the Scholar withdraws from their programme of study.
  6. The University of Auckland Council is not obliged to make an award if in any year there is no candidate of sufficient merit.
  7. The University of Auckland has the power to amend or vary these Regulations, in consultation with the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics, provided that there is no departure from the main purpose of the Scholarships.
  8. Applications close with the Scholarships Office on 3 March (for the April intake) and 1 July (for the September intake) in the year of the award.
  9. Notes [I]-[IX] below are deemed to be regulations.