Visiting Fellowships 2022–2023 (German Historical Institute Washington)

The German Historical Institute Washington (GHI) is now accepting applications

The fellowship is open to both doctoral and postdoctoral scholars based in North America and Europe. The monthly stipend is 2.000,00 EUR for doctoral students and 3.400,00 for postdoctoral scholars. In addition, fellowship recipients based in Europe will receive reimbursement for their round-trip airfare to the U.S.

Eligibility Requirements:

Applicants should be based at (or recent graduates of) a North American or European university or research institute. For doctoral students applying, ABD status (or the equivalent) is required prior to commencing the fellowship. For postdoctoral scholars applying, the preference is for projects that are designed for the „second book“ (Habilitation or equivalent).

Application Requirements:

To apply please submit by December 1, 2021, the following materials:

1. A brief cover letter
2. Curriculum vitae
3. A copy of your most recent diploma or transcripts
4. Project description (5 pages or 2,000 words max)
5. Research schedule for the fellowship
6. At least one letter of reference (preferably sent separately to