2023 Fully Funded NATO Defense College (NDC) Resident Fellowship Programme in USA.

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Application Deadline: June 15, 2022.

Country: USA

Open to: All

Description of the Programme:

In place since 1993, and counting over 130 alumni, the NDC Resident Fellowship Programme currently consists of four sub-programmes for a total of eight fellowships per year. It is designed for international security scholars/academics/researchers of NATO Allies and its Partners.
The Resident Fellowship Programme is under the supervision of Dr Thierry Tardy, Director, Research Division.

The Eisenhower Defense (EISD) Fellowships is designed for scholars/academics/researchers of NATO Allies. It consists of 3 different fellowships:

  • PhD candidates: Candidates for the Eisenhower PhD candidate Fellowship must be PhD Students enrolled in a University Programme at PhD level, with a thesis topic that has a direct relevance to NATO’s policy. Candidates for this Fellowship must be at the final stage of their research and provide evidence of their advanced work. The NDC offers one 3-month long fellowship per year in this category.
      • Junior Scholars: Candidates applying to the Eisenhower Defense Fellowship must have a PhD in a relevant discipline as well as a solid publication record on international security-related issues. The NDC offers one 3-month long fellowship per year in this category.
    • Senior Scholars: Candidates applying to the Senior Eisenhower Defense Fellowship must have a PhD in a relevant discipline as well as a minimum of ten years’ relevant professional experience since receiving their doctoral degree, and a solid publication record on international security-related issues. The NDC offers one 5-month long fellowship per year in this category.

    b/ Partnership for Peace Fellowships

    The Partnership for Peace (PfP) Fellowships is designed for scholars/academics/researchers of PfP countries. Two 5-month long fellowships are awarded each year in this category.
    Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Finland, Georgia, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

    c/ Mediterranean Dialogue Fellowships

    The Mediterranean Dialogue (MD) Fellowships is designed for scholars/academics/researchers of MD countries. Two 5-month long fellowships are awarded each year in this category.
    Countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia.

    d/ Other Military Cooperation/Partners Across the Globe Fellowship (OMC/PaG)

    The OMC/PaG Fellowship is designed for scholars/academics/researchers of OMC/PaG countries. One 5-month long fellowship is awarded each year in this category.
    Countries: Afghanistan, Australia, Colombia, Iraq, Japan, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, and Mongolia.

    Dual citizens can apply to all the fellowships for which they are eligible.

    Objectives and responsibilities:

    The overarching objective of the Resident Fellowship Programme is to promote research and policy analysis in areas of particular interest to NATO Member States, as well as to its partners.

    During their fellowship, fellows are required to:

    • conduct research on their research project and write a research essay;
    • present their research project before completing their fellowship;
    • act as mentors of a committee’s study project in the NDC Senior Course in case of need;
    • contribute to NDC research activities.

    To apply, click here.