2023 Arab Fund for Arts and Culture – AFAC Creative and Critical Writings Grants in UK

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Application Deadline:   April 04, 2023.

AFAC’s Creative and Critical Writings grant provides support to critical arts and culture writing, theatrical writing, children’s and youth literature (including both adaptation and original work), graphic novels, short stories, and poetry, in addition to analog and digital publishing platforms. The final product must be in Arabic.

Launched in 2018, Creative and Critical Writings is a program that builds on AFAC’s previous support for literature through the Literature Grant (2007–2013) and the AFAC Novel Writing Program (2014–2016).

Eligibilible Candidates:

  • AFAC is open to receiving project applications from all individuals from the Arab region working in arts and culture irrespective of age, years of experience, country of residence (the Arab region or the diaspora), race, ethnicity, gender, or religion.
  • AFAC also accepts proposals from local, regional, and international institutions whose projects are related to arts and culture from the Arab region.

These include artistic, cultural, social and educational institutions, galleries, centers and both governmental and non-governmental organizations that engage with regional arts and culture.

Eligible Expenses:

The AFAC grant covers project-related expenses, including artist fees of up to 30 % of the total grant amount. In the case of institutions, up to 30 % of the grant amount can be allocated for certain running costs. AFAC and the jury reserve the right to determine whether the proposed running cost items are relevant.


  • The program provides annual grants up to USD 20,000 for individuals and teams and USD 35,000 for institutions and collectives.

Visit the official website for details and application