2023 Inter-American STeP Fellowship Program in USA

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Application Deadline:  February 15, 2023

Program overview:

The Science, Technology, Policy (STeP) Fellowship Program is an innovative landmark program of the IAI to enhance human and institutional capacities in IAI member countries and to support the provision of expert scientific advice to policy makers for the development of public policy relevant to global change.

Scientist Fellows in the STeP program are placed at host government or private organizations to engage first-hand with policy and decision-makers and facilitate the uptake of scientific knowledge into policy processes.

The STeP program is training future Latin American and Caribbean leaders to participate in the science-policy interface through hands-on learning supported by professional development and mentorship.

STeP Fellows will participate in the IAI Inter-American network of STeP peers and alumni and share best practices and lessons learned. This multinational network creates the means to integrate diverse knowledge and expertise across different sectors and countries in response to critical global change challenges in the Americas. The network allows for sharing resources, disseminating employment and other professional opportunities, and contributing to career development and work collaboration at the completion of the fellowship.


The maximum annual value of the fellowship is USD $24,000, The intended start date is 3 April 2023 and the period of implementation of the contract is twelve (12) months, renewable for up to one (1) additional year.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Early-career scientists who have completed the graduate degree in their field of study (e.g., PhD or equivalent) within the last seven years.
  • Postgraduates in relevant global change fields, including biological, physical, social sciences and engineering in key sectors (e.g., health, water, energy, agriculture, emerging technologies).
  • Citizens from IAI member countries.
  • Scientists interested in policy development and how science can contribute to society.

Why be a Fellow?

  • Contribute scientific expertise for the development of more effective policies.
  • Engage first-hand in government and private sector policy and decision-making processes.
  • Increase awareness and sensitivity to societal problems and priorities that require scientific input.
  • Develop skills to communicate science more effectively to broad audiences.
  • Expand and broaden career options with experience in diverse sectors beyond academia.
  • Develop professionally through unique training opportunities on leadership, science diplomacy, communication, and other tailored topics.
  • Participate in an international and influential professional network of IAI Fellows and alumni.
  • Collaborative team member
  •  Excellent oral and written communication skills
  •  Education and experience related to global environmental change (GEC)
  •  Interest/ability to work with groups of researchers from diverse disciplines related to GEC and policy practitioners
  •  Working proficiency in English is required. Fluency or working proficiency in another language of IAI members states is desirable (Spanish, Portuguese, French).
  •  Knowledge of, and interest in, the science-policy interface, processes and the uptake of scientific knowledge to support evidence-based decision-making in the Americas.
  • Early career researcher (currently in final year of PhD candidacy or within 7 years of completing a PhD degree or equivalent such as DrPh, EdD, DVM, MD, JD). Early career individuals with graduate degrees (master’s degree equivalent) and ~5 years of relevant professional experience will also be considered.
  • Priority will be given to citizens and residents from IAI member states and considered on a case-by-case basis
  • Ability to work remotely with a flexible schedule to accommodate working hours in Uruguay (the main IAI and Belmont Forum office), and availability to travel internationally when necessary.

Visit the official website for details and application