The Centre of African Studies, with the generous assistance of the Isaac Newtown Trust and the Philomathia Africa Programme, is pleased to announce one Visiting Research Fellowship to be held at the University of Cambridge.
The Cambridge Centre of African Studies invites applications for a Visiting Research Fellowship. The aim of the Fellowship is to enable the fellow to focus on a period of research and writing while based at the Centre in Cambridge.
The Visiting Fellowship is part of the newly established Philomathia Africa Programme, with funding from the Isaac Newton Trust. Applicants’ research interests should touch on one or more of the broad themes of environment, energy, land, or climate change. Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the Philomathia Africa Programme, we welcome candidates with expertise in any field in the social sciences, arts or humanities. The applicant should have a PhD submitted at the time of application.
Preference will be given to early- to mid-career candidates with an accomplished or highly promising research profile. Candidates must hold a teaching or research position at an African university. The appointment is four months, with a start date between 1 October 2020 and 15 January 2021; it is non-renewable. The award is worth up to £12,000, out of which visa, travel, accommodation and maintenance costs will be paid. The Centre is not able to provide additional sums for the travel and living expenses of anyone accompanying the Fellow to Cambridge. The sum is not subject to tax in the UK.
Fellows will have access, by agreement, to the holdings of Faculty and Departmental libraries, to the library of the Centre of African Studies and to the University Library, which houses the extensive collection of materials relating to the history of the Commonwealth formerly housed in the Royal Commonwealth Society Library in London.
It is expected that applicants would be intending to come to Cambridge to work on a project building on existing research for which a period of residence in Cambridge is demonstrably appropriate. They should present a clear and feasible plan for preparing one or more pieces of work for publication. The initiation of a new research project will not be ruled out where there is a realistic expectation that it could be substantially advanced by the end of the tenure of the Fellowship.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to submit a substantial piece of written work as part of their application.
All documents must be written in English
In order to apply for a Fellowship you will need to submit an application to the Centre of African Studies, University of Cambridge, by 6 April 2020 and to arrange for your references to arrive at the Centre by the same date. The Centre is not able to consider applications that are not complete.
This application package contains the following:
- a copy of the notice of award;
- guidance on the information required in your curriculum vitae;
- guidance on the type of project details required;
- guidance for you to pass to your referees.
Your application must include the following:
- your curriculum vitae including details of publications;
- your project details;
- a photocopy of your PhD certificate (if applicable);
- a photocopy of your passport;
- two references to be sent directly by your referees to the Director, University of Cambridge, Centre of African Studies, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DT, UK.
Completed applications must be sent either by e-mail or in hard copy to:
University of Cambridge Centre of AfricanStudies Alison Richard Building 7 West Road
Cambridge CB3 9DT UK
no later than 6 April 2020
Centre of African Studies
Visiting Research Fellowships 2020-21
Applicants should note that applications and references can be sent by email or in hard copy. Applicants are not required to submit their applications by email. The closing date for all completed applications is 6 April 2020, no later than midnight GMT. Applications received after this date will be declined.
The University follows an equal opportunities policy and does not discriminate according to race, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.
All documents must be written in English
Centre of African Studies
Visiting Research Fellowships 2020-21
Please ensure that your curriculum vitae contains the following information in addition to the other information you will wish to present:
- your full name and title;
- your date of birth;
- your gender;
- your nationality;
- your correspondence address until September 2020;
- your occupation in the academic year 2019-2020;
- your email address;
- the titles, dates and places of any Fellowships or awards you have held since
completing your PhD (if applicable), or will have held before October 2020;
- the names and addresses of the people you have asked to be your referees.
You should particularly note that you should, yourself, ask your referees to write in support of your application. You should ensure that you provide your referees with a copy of your curriculum vitae and project proposal.
All documents must be written in English
Centre of African Studies
Visiting Research Fellowships 2020-21 GUIDANCE ON THE PROJECT PROPOSAL
Please ensure that your project proposal includes the following:
- a note as to why residence in Cambridge is particularly appropriate for your topic. You might mention relevant library resources or sources or particular academic staff whom you would hope to consult;
- a note of the aims and range of work you would hope to complete in the six months in Cambridge. The Centre expects that many applicants will be continuing or completing research they have already begun. If you intend to begin a new area of research please explain how much of the topic you would be able to cover and how you would complete the work once back in your home country;
- a plan for preparing publications during your fellowship in Cambridge, for instance the completion of a manuscript, submission of articles etc.
All documents must be written in English
Centre of African Studies
Visiting Research Fellowships 2020-21 GUIDANCE TO REFEREES
You have been asked by the applicant to write a confidential reference to the Director of the Centre of African Studies for a Visiting Research Fellowship in 2020- 21. The Director wishes to thank you in advance for your assistance which is crucial in maintaining the standard of the competition. The Director would be particularly grateful if you were good enough to include in your reference your advice on the areas given below:
- the quality of the applicant’s work to date;
- the applicant’s suitability for the proposed area of research;
- the extent to which the project proposal prepared by the applicant would benefit
from residence in Cambridge as opposed to any other location;
- the importance of the proposed research;
- the extent to which the applicant will be able to meet their aims in the period
available to them in Cambridge.
All documents must be written in English
References can be sent by email or in hard copy and should be received by the closing date of 6 April 2020.
University of Cambridge Centre of African Studies The Alison Richard Building 7 West Road
Cambridge CB3 9DT UK
Visit Fellowship Webpage