The Funza Lushaka Bursary

Applications for the Funza Lushaka bursary for 2023 will open on 17/10/2022
New applications close on 16/01/2023
Re-applications for Existing/Returning Bursars close on 30/11/2022

To access, register and apply for the Funza Lushaka Bursary the following 9 easy steps should be followed:

NOTE: All first time applicants must be 30 years or younger to apply for Funza Lushaka Bursary.

  1. Open the e-Gov portal at
  2. Register by providing personal information
  3. Login to the system using user name and password created when registering
  4. On the e-Services Menu select Funza Lushaka Bursary Scheme
  5. Enter the OTP received on the preferred channel
  6. Accept the Terms and Conditions
  7. On the dashboard menu click on the 2023 application button
  8. Follow the steps to complete the required field with your information
  9. Accept the declaration to confirm the information captured

Apply Now

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