2021-2022 Scholarships of the Government of the Slovak Republic for International Students

Scholarships of the Government of the Slovak Republic

Slovak government scholarships have long been a part of Slovakia’s official development assistance, which itself is a programme and project activity of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs within the international community. Act No. 392/2015 Coll. on Development Cooperation and on amendment of certain acts and Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport Decree No. 50/2016 defining the details of awarding government scholarships entered into force on 1 January 2016. The Slovak government adopted the Medium-Term Strategy for Development Cooperation of the Slovak Republic for 2019-2023.
Slovak government scholarships include awarding the Slovak government scholarship to persons with Slovaks Living Abroad status. Award of such scholarships has become a part of state policy supporting Slovaks Living Abroad, which has developed gradually over time, with the adoption of Act No. 474/2005 Coll. on Slovaks Living Abroad and on amendment of certain acts, the establishment of the Office for Slovaks Living Abroad.

The deadline for submission of online application form, for the Government scholarships of the SR for the academic year 2021/2022 is 30 May, 2021.

Required documents

Document Description
A record of the highest level of education attained A school leaving certificate or university degree. If an applicant received the highest level of education outside the Slovak Republic, there is required an authentication of the signatures and the stamp of the school on such a document by the state authority (which issuing such document or by the state authority where the school is located if an international treaty stipulates otherwise). A certified translation is required of this document into English, Slovak, Czech, French or Spanish. The document can be attached until 31 August – only applicable for students who have not yet completed education at the time of applying for the scholarship.
A completion certificates Study results from each year of secondary (high) school if applying for bachelor degree. Or transcript of records from university if applying for master degree or doctoral (PhD.) degree. If you have not finished your studies yet, you can attach results (transcript of records) from the last year until the 31 August.
A letter of acceptance An acceptance letter from Slovak public university – this is required only from those who speak Slovak language and have applied to university already. The document can be attached until 31 August.
Birth certificate If a birth certificate is in other language than Slovak, Czech, English, French or Spanish, then a certified translation into one of these languages is required.
Photograph A photograph measuring 3.5 cm x 4 cm showing the person’s full face, with no glasses with dark lenses, with the face height from the eyes to the chin of at least 13 mm; minimum resolution of 350 x 400 pixels is required for digital images.
Recommendations 1. If you are applying for bachelor degree, you should attach two recommendations from secondary (high) school teachers or 2. If you are applying for master degree or PhD you should attach two recommendations from your university teachers.
Curriculum Vitae and Motivation Letter Signed curriculum vitae and signed motivational letter (briefly state why you decided to study in Slovakia, why you decided to study the chosen specialization, or how you see your perspective future after graduation).
Publications Bibliographical details of your publication activities, please specify the name of the publications, author and publisher details – this is an optional attachment for those who apply for doctoral (PhD) degree.
Passport A copy of the pages of a passport (travel document) containing the personal details of the holder.
Signed application Print the PDF of the filled application form, which you can find in your account, section 1. Applications under the name “Document”. Sign the last part of it named “Confirmation” and attach the scan of it.

Financial benefits

Government Scholarships of the Slovak Republic will comprise the following items in the 2021/2022 academic year:

– For the first and second levels of university study:

                  Monthly scholarship                                                                              280 €

                  One-time stipend upon the commencement of study in the SR                   35 €

                  One-time stipend upon the completion of study in the SR             100 €

                  Monthly stipend for public university                                                       80 €

– For the third level of university study:

                  Monthly scholarship                                                                              330 €

                  One-time stipend upon the commencement of study in the  SR                   35 €

                  One-time stipend upon the completion of study in the SR            100 €

                  Monthly stipend for public university                                                     240 €

– For language and preparatory studies for all levels of university study:

                  Monthly scholarship                                                                              280 €

                  One-time stipend upon the commencement of study in the SR                   35 €

                  Monthly stipend for public university                                                       80 €

In the event of a significant change in the living standards in Slovakia, it is possible to adjust the amount of monthly scholarship in the form of valorization in accordance with the financial possibilities.

Overview of fees in the course of study in the SR:

            – dormitory accommodation                                                                46 – 77 €/month

            – meals (8.00 €/day)                                                                                 240 €/ month

Upon the commencement of studies, the following expenses must be covered:

  • medical examination: Europe/Africa, Asia      183 €/264 €
  • interview related to entrance application procedure       20 – 80 €

A similar situation applies upon the scholarship holder’s completion of studies due to increased costs related to

  • completion of degree work 33 €
  • dissertation 50 €
  • translation and authentication of diploma 33 €

Incentive stipend – it shall be paid one year in arrears, (e.g., the stipend for excellent academic performance in the first year of study shall be paid in the 2nd year of study) as follows:

  • bonus for grade point average of 3                                                  50 €/month
  • for PhD students for exams passed by the required deadline 170 €/year

Government Scholarships are provided for a specific period of time. In exceptional cases, the Commission of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the SR may pass decisions regarding changes of this period.  The Commission shall assess the reasons stated by the applicant in the written application and credibly confirmed by required documentation. Such decisions are final and may not be appealed. A scholarship that is revoked due to poor academic performance will not be provided to another applicant.