2022 Global Griffon Guarantee Scholarship at Missouri Western State University

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Deadline: March 15, 2022

The Global Griffon Guarantee Scholarship is different from other scholarships. It starts with an initial award ranging from $500 to $4,000 that automatically renews and grows each year as long as you remain enrolled full-time, meet the hours completed requirement and are in good academic standing (2.0 GPA). That could mean up to $20,500 toward your education!

How it works: Awards are decided on the basis of your GPA as calculated by our international admissions team. Because Missouri Western recognizes that U.S. standardized testing is not equally available in all parts of the world, there is no SAT or ACT required for the Global Griffon Guarantee Scholarship (or admission).

After receiving your initial award, you would receive a $1,000 per year increase at the completion of 30 credits (usually 1 year). You would receive an additional $500 increase at 60 and a final $500 increase at 90 credits. And the best part is that you are not at risk of losing your scholarship as long as you maintain a 2.0 GPA at Missouri Western State University.

There is no extra application for the GGGS. All awards will be made with your acceptance letter.

To apply, click here: