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Application Deadline: September 30, 2022.
The Klagenfurt Scholarship provides 300 Euros a month to support outstanding Master’s students whose excellent progress so far promises further top achievements, both in their studies and in their professional careers. Carinthia’s capital city Klagenfurt provides 150 Euros per month to finance one half of the scholarship. The second half is financed by top Carinthian companies, who build close relationships with the scholarship holders over the course of the two-year scholarship programme. This means that scholarship holders not only receive financial support, but can also establish a broad professional network with their own and all other sponsors during their studies.
Eligibility Criteria:
Prospective students interested in a Master’s degree programme offered by AAU may apply for the award of a scholarship provided that
- they fulfil the requirements necessary for admission to the Master’s programme and their completed Bachelor’s programme was completed no more than three years ago.
- they have not yet reached the age of 30 at the beginning of the Master’s programme.
- they have Austrian nationality or the nationality of an EEA member state or are persons who are treated as such.
- Third-country nationals are treated the same as Austrian citizens, provided that they have resided in Austria “continuously and lawfully” for a sufficiently long period (presentation of the permanent residence card).
- Stateless persons are treated the same if they have been subject to income tax in Austria for at least five years together with one parent before starting their studies (proof: an official registration form and a statement of insurance data from the national insurance agency or a certificate from the tax office).
- Refugees as defined in Article 1 of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, Federal Law Gazette No 55/1955, are treated in the same way as Austrian citizens; proof shall be furnished by means of a passport or a notice of asylum.
The execution of the selection process lies within the responsibility of the University of Klagenfurt.
Selection Criteria:
Scholarships are awarded on the basis of the applicants’ past performance:
- Outstanding academic achievements: Final grade in the completed Bachelor’s degree programme.
Particular attention will be given to the following:
- Social involvement: Regular involvement in societal, political, social and church organisations/groups or institutions
- Challenging personal and family circumstances: Among other things, health problems and disabilities, care of children (especially as a single parent), care of relatives, a so-called “educationally disadvantaged” parental home (where neither parent has a school leaving certificate)
Financial Benefits:
Financial: 300 Euros a month for the duration of a Master’s degree prorgamme (standard period of study, 2 years).
Non-monetary and individual: Intensive cooperation in the form of project and research work, internships, mentoring etc.
The scholarship amounts to 300 Euros per month and is granted for no more than the standard period of study of the Master’s degree programme (four semesters). The payment of the scholarship begins with the first month of the first semester of admission and continues during periods when no courses are being taught and during any study periods spent abroad. It is not possible to extend the scholarship payments beyond the approved four semesters. Cases of hardship, such as illness, pregnancy, long-term care responsibilities, are assessed on a case-by-case basis and taken into account if deemed justified.
To apply, click here.