Invitation Period: 36 months, between April 2021 and March 2022 Deadline for submitting the application documents:
on June 30, 2020 (Japan Standard Time)


Applicants of non-Japanese nationality who meet all of the following eligibility requirements are invited to submit the required application documents.

  1. Applicants must obtain a Letter of Invitation from host institutions in Japan.
  2. Applicants must hold a PH.D. (Doctorate) degree, or be recognized by MIF as possessing equivalent academic


  3. Applicants must be at the age of 49 years old or younger at the time when documents are submitted.
  4. Applicants must have sufficient abilities in the English or Japanese languages.
  5. Applicants should not have past or current experiences of staying in Japan. (Except for short-term stay. E.g.

    sightseeing, conferences)

  6. Applicants should be in employment in their home countries, and must return to their countries upon

    completion of their MIF fellowship tenure.


Fields of research such as natural science, engineering and medicine are considered with first priorities.


Applicants indicate the period of Fellowship with the length of stay needed for the Research Project (Application Document #2) between 3 to 6 months, and commencing month and ending month between April 2021 and March 2022. (e.g. 5 months from June 2021 to October 2021)

MIF plans to invite more or less 20 researchers/scholars.


Applicants are free to select host institutions (universities, national research institutions or the corresponding facilities in private sector) in which to carry out their research. However, applicants are reminded that they are obliged to obtain acceptance from such host institutions prior to submitting their applications. MIF is not in a position to give advice or recommendation to an applicant for a host institution in Japan.


Applicants should obtain the current issue of the Fellowship Announcement from MIF. Or download the announcement from the MIF’s website.

MIF cannot entertain requests for waivers of the eligibility requirements and other conditions, listed in the Fellowship Announcement, and will not accommodate such requests.

Application must be submitted from the applicant’s home country. MIF accepts those submitted by POST. Those applications submitted electronically or via facsimile will be unacceptable.

Applications must be received by MIF by June 30, 2020 (Japan Standard Time).

Application will not be accepted in any reason after the deadline date.


All of the following documents (#1-#7) should be in A4 size and be submitted all together in one package by postal mail. The documents are not to be bound into a book.

All documents must be typed. Documents must be written in English and in English only.
MIF will not be responsible for any costs incurred for submitting an application, and reserves the right to request additional documents if necessary. All the documents received by MIF will become MIF’s property and will

not be returned.

#1. Application Form (Applicants should use the original Form provided by MIF. A self-customized Form is not acceptable.)

The form consists of three pages. Applicant’s photograph (Passport Size: 45×35mm), taken within the past three months, must be attached. Applicants should ensure that all the items in the Form, without any exception, is properly filled out in the designated spaces. Application Form must be signed by the applicant him/herself.

#2. The Research Project

Applicant should make the research project document which includes the detailed information on the purpose, methodology, content of the research, and the road map of the project. This research project must be made based upon discussions with the host professor/scholar and planned content must be consistent with the research facilities at the host institution.

#3. A reprint of the most significant publication by the applicant

Please select one and only one publication.
If not available in English, please attach an abstract/summary in English.

#4. Personal History (Curriculum Vitae)

The CV should include the complete list of publications: when and where they were published, co-authors, number of pages, etc. Please indicate in red the title of publication on the list which is submitted as the item “#3”.

#5. A letter of recommendation by the applicant’s employer, printed out on the home institution’s letter head

It should testify to academic ability and achievements, and confirming the availability of study leave during the fellowship period.

#6. Copies for all the academic certificates/diplomas (for Ph.D., MA/MS/MD, BA/BS)

In case the documents are not available in English, please attach the English translation(s).
These copies should be attested by the home institutions which applicants currently belong to or universities which applicants graduated from.

#7. A letter of invitation signed by the professor/scholar-in-charge at the host institution, printed out on the host institution’s letter head

This letter should confirm the specific period of stay, the research project, the availability of research facilities/ equipments, and the arrangement of accommodation facility.
Also the followings (a)~(e) should be mentioned in Japanese.
(a) Name of Host Professor/Scholar (受入教官/教員の氏名)

(b) Name of Hot Institution (受入研究機関名)
(c) Email Address of Professor/Scholar (受入教官/教員のメールアドレス) (d) Postal Code and Mailing Address (受入研究機関の郵便番号および住所) (e) Telephone Number (受入研究機関の電話番号)

(A letter of invitation in the form of simple e-mail is not acceptable.)

< Please send the documents to the following mailing address>
The Matsumae International Foundation
4-14-46, Kamiogi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, 167-0043 JAPAN Tel : + 81-3-3301-7600


  1. Applications are evaluated by the Screening Committee of MIF on the basis of academic value and the degree of perfection of the research projects.
  2. The results will be announced on our website in December, 2020.
  3. MIF will send Grant Letters to successful applicants.
  4. MIF neither announces the discussions by our Screening Committee, nor shall MIF accepts inquiries about the

    individual application cases.

  5. MIF will not comment the reasons for the decisions made by the Screening Committee.


The following financial supports are provided to the successful applicants.

Fellowships are provided to successful applicants only, and intended for necessary living expenses and research activities in Japan. Under no circumstances, this fellowship is transferable.

Allowance for research and stay ………… JPY220,000- per month is provided for the purpose of tuition payment, expenses for research materials, and miscellaneous living expenses.

Insurance ……………………………………………

Air transportation ……………………………….

Start-up Fund upon arrival ………………….

Overseas Travel Accident/Sickness Insurance: (1) Personal accident insurance with death benefit and medical treatment, (2) Sickness insurance with death benefit and medical treatment.
A coach class round trip air tickets between an airport nearest to the successful applicant’s domicile and Tokyo via most direct and economical routing is provided. The tickets provided cannot be converted to cash, nor can cash provided by MIF be used for purchasing air tickets.

¥120,000- is provided to cover the initial costs to start a new research stay in Japan.


  1. The fellowship grant is restricted to the period indicated in the Grant Letter. Extension/reduction of the granted period is not allowed.
  2. The invitation by MIF is limited only to the successful applicant specified in the Grant Letter. MIF neither does concern successful applicant’s family/dependents nor provides any assistance (visa, flight arrangements, etc.) for them.


  1. In the event that any of the offences described below is ascertained, the Matsumae International Foundation reserves the right to terminate its grant, rescind the fellowship status of the offender, and immediately inform all concerned parties (immigration authorities, host institutions, etc.) on the situation. The recipient must return all the fellowship grants from MIF.
    1. (1)  Facts which are inconsistent with the rules and regulations set forth in the Fellowship announcement, the grant letter, and/or related documents.
    2. (2)  False statements or unilateral modification of statements in application forms, the grant letter, and/or related documents.
    3. (3)  Failure of the recipient to notify MIF of past current or anticipated grants or benefits from other institutions which duplicate in whole or in part those of the Matsumae International Foundation.
  2. Should the recipient be refused by his/her host institution after his/her arrival in Japan due to the insufficient level of ability and/or inappropriate behaviors in research activities in Japan, the fellowship will be immediately rescinded.


  1. (1)  Should the recipient fail to notify MIF of the past stay and study in Japan under a fellowship grant from another institution, and MIF learns of that fact after his/her arrival in Japan, the Fellowship will be immediately rescinded.
  2. (2)  Should the recipient fail to notify MIF that he/she has accepted a grant from another institution, and MIF learns of the fact after his/her arrival in Japan, the Fellowship will be immediately rescinded.
  3. (3)  In the event that the recipient notifies MIF of his/her acceptance of a grant from another institution, MIF will carefully examine the content of that grant and reserves the right to withdraw its Fellowship.
  4. (4)  Should the recipient change the host institution, in the middle of his/her fellowship tenure, the Fellowship will be rescinded.
  5. (5)  Should the recipient change the period of stay in Japan, the Fellowship will be rescinded.